Doing drugs is like being on a big rollercoaster that never stops. Your food habbits goes up and down and so does your sleep. But the most annoying thing is how your temper changes. Over hours, days and minutes. You can never be stabile. Not even when your solver. You need to add something to feel good and then your stuck again. You are stuck with your pills, smoke, lines and drinks. And everything about you, even your personality is going on this never-ending rollercoaster.
But one thing that i realized is that, you can never just jump off an rollercoaster. You will never make it, and probaly die. But you can slow it down. Slower and slower until you finally can get off it forever.
So til everyone that struggles with the same problem as me, should just stop with all that is really harming you, and start to only take what you have to.
Like if you have a problem with amphetamine? Take one ADHD-pill a day and in that way you can slowly remove yourself from the biggest problem. And when you feel that you are beggining to find yourself again, you can stop. And hopefully you will feel better than you felt in years. Well its up to me to find out. Im done with this rollercoaster, i just want to be normal again.